Sunday, April 7, 2013

Biking and hiking in AZ and VT

Last week Saturday, March 30, Jane McNamara and I went to the Phoenix District Six Bike summit.  The bike coordinator for the city was holding a series of Saturday Bike Summits, one for each of the seven city council districts.  We live in District Six, which is a non-contiguous district that includes our area of central Phoenix and Ahwatukee.  It is a 30 minute drive from our area to Pecos Park where the summit was held.  It was sad to see that only nine people showed up.  My main concern was the difficulty I have at crossing Seventh Street and Central Avenue on my ride to the Light Rail station.  Where I cross those streets at Colter Street intersection, there is no light, just an unmarked crosswalk.  I cross here, because I go through the historic Windsor Square area, where there is no through traffic, meaning it is relatively safe to ride on the street.

While back in Vermont, I took some photos of crossings that I would like to see in Phoenix.  These first ones are on Route 15 in Colchester VT with St. Michaels College and Camp Johnson on one side and FAHC medical facilities on the other.  Here there are two lanes in each direction plus a left turn lane.  The crossing is well marked both as you approach it and at the crossing itself.

These photos are of a couple of solar powered lights on Patchen Road in South Burlington, near where we live.  They were installed for kids crossing the street on the way to and from the local elementary school.  Patchen Road is only one lane in each direction, but is a busy street with lots of commuters.

Except for this snowbank in the Lowe's parking lot in Essex, the snow is all gone from Burlington and surrounding towns - although I told that there is still plenty in central Vermont.

However, today, April 7, there was some sleet on the deck when I walked the dog this morning.

In contrast, when I was hiking last Sunday (March 31) at Phoenix North Mountain with Anne and Jane McNamara, the desert was starting to blossom.  All the creosote bushes were in bloom.

Same for all of the brittlebush.

And even the Engleman's hedgehog cactus.

By contrast, this Sunday in Vermont, cold, wind and some sleet and/or rain.  I did see some pussywillows in bloom and some maple trees starting to bud out when it was sunny and warm Friday (in the 50s) but neglected to take photos.  As the old saying goes, we all need to take time to stop and smell the roses.

Yesterday, I spent eight hours picking up donated furniture and building supplies.  Today, I am off to give platelets at the Red Cross and to do some work this afternoon.  And tomorrow, I fly back to Phoenix.

1 comment:

  1. It would be great to see more of these everywhere, along with the cultural change where people would respect other users of the roads!
