Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Dolly Steamboat, Canyon Lake, Sunday, January 7, 2018

After Helen's late arrival, we had a short night and Sunday morning, we set off for Tortilla Flat.  We arrived a little after 11:30 and it turned out to be a good thing, as by the time we finished lunch, the place was packed.  After lunch, we wandered around checking out the shops.

Then we drove back to Canyon Lake for a cruise on the Dolly Steamship.  Surprisingly, the cruise was completely sold out.

Once the 125 passengers were on board, Patty and Helen had wine and I had a beer while we shared some popcorn as we set sail to explore Canyon Lake.

Canyon Lake is one of four lakes created when dams were built on the Salt River some hundred years ago.  As the name implies, the lake is long and narrow, surrounded by cliffs on all sides.  We saw many bald eagles and bighorn sheep.  Unfortunately, my camera phone did a better job showing the scenery rater that the lone bighorn sheep seen here - it is on the right side of that notch.

This video shows one of the eagles soaring above us.

This video shows a group of bighorn sheep.

Here are more of the sheep.

We saw the bighorn sheep in many locations.  We even saw young ones - our guide says the larger one was born December 1 and a second one on December 15.  At one location, we saw a group of sheep that included at least five adults and three young ones.

We really enjoyed the cruise - it was worth the drive out to Canyon Lake and is something we should have done before now.

We drove back into Phoenix and stopped at the Apple Store in the Biltmore Shopping Center to see if we could get a new battery for Helen's iPhone, but they had none - all of the older iPhones are eligible to get a new batter for $29 instead of the usual price of $79 because of the problems caused by Apple.

We then met up with Ann and Shawn for an excellent dinner at Bluewater Grill - a great time was had by all, with everyone having a chance to catch up on family news.

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