Originally, when I had to empty the storage room from the water damage, I had moved everything into my closet. With planning for Megan to stay at our home while she attends flight school, I took things out to the garage and got the closet ready for Patty to move things in from her closet, so that closet will be ready for Megan.
On the afternoon of Tuesday the 17th, when I was walking the two miles from the Desert Botanical Garden to the light rail, I was accosted by this roadrunner.
On the 24th, Patty and I flew to Portland to visit with Ben and Martha - we wore the appropriate hats for the season.
On Christmas Day, Megan managed to call us and then went out to where we could see her via one fo the webcams at McMurdo station in Antarctica.
Martha and Ben had much fine food for us, including some where Patty and I helped with the food prep.
I liked some of the Portland signs for trash, recycling and compost - not only words but photos of what should go in each place.
Ben and Martha took us out to an Escape Room again, as we had done last year. We went to see the movie Temblores (in English, Tremors).

For one of the parties they took us to, Ben made several flavors of ice cream - this required me to shop for many items, including maple flavoring.
As usual, there is always interesting artwork in Portland.
We returned to Phoenix on the 29th and Monday we went to Ikea. Among other things, we got a table and lamp to use in the guest bedroom in Flagstaff, in preparation for Helen's visit.
We also bought four dining room chairs.
And then we got ready to head to Flagstaff on the 1st of January.
On the afternoon of Tuesday the 17th, when I was walking the two miles from the Desert Botanical Garden to the light rail, I was accosted by this roadrunner.
On Christmas Day, Megan managed to call us and then went out to where we could see her via one fo the webcams at McMurdo station in Antarctica.
Martha and Ben had much fine food for us, including some where Patty and I helped with the food prep.
I liked some of the Portland signs for trash, recycling and compost - not only words but photos of what should go in each place.
Ben and Martha took us out to an Escape Room again, as we had done last year. We went to see the movie Temblores (in English, Tremors).

For one of the parties they took us to, Ben made several flavors of ice cream - this required me to shop for many items, including maple flavoring.
As usual, there is always interesting artwork in Portland.
We returned to Phoenix on the 29th and Monday we went to Ikea. Among other things, we got a table and lamp to use in the guest bedroom in Flagstaff, in preparation for Helen's visit.