After those new/redone posts from 2011, it is back to the present of 2021. After getting the second dose of the Covid vaccine, Patty found a cute tee shirt - I GOT MY FAUCI OUCHIE!!
She got a surprise belated birthday gift of some cute socks - TOO SEXY TO BE 70!!
On the 17th, we bought some plants at Warners Nursery - these are inside plants using the grow light I got Patty for her birthday. We saw this cute sign while we were there.
When we got home, Patty found this picture of bacon flowers!
On the 18th, we hiked through Buffalo Park and out on the Arizona Trail. We had done this hike a couple of times before, but on the return route we saw lots of trees that were blown down in the recent windstorm.We had warm sunny weather, including having drinks with neighbors out in the sun while sitting in our driveway on Friday the 16th - temps in the 60s and bright sunshine. But then we had nights with below freezing temps, requiring us to bring plants inside over night. And twice we had snow, including on Tuesday the 27th. This was at 8:00 a.m. in the back yard.
And this was at 10:00 a.m. looking out the front window.
On Saturday May 1, we went half way up Mount Humphries to hike. My elevation app showed us at a bit above 8,500 feet elevation. While there was snow further up the mountain at the Snowbowl Ski resort, there was no snow and no water on our hike - it is very, very dry here this spring. We were in the Lamar Haines Memorial Wildlife Area on what an online guide referred to as the Veit Springs trail. It goes out about a half mile, then goes around a mile long loop before returning over the initial half mile. Out on the loop, there is a short 1/4 mile out and back trail.
This map shows the route we took.
One of the first things Patty found was part of a deer's leg.
We saw some huge snags.
While the trail had some ups and downs, it was used as an access road by the forest service for the small flood control dam and the power lines that run through this part of the national forest. It was very easy to hike.
At the start of the side trail, there is a memorial marker.
We came across some odd shaped trees and gnarly branches - it is amazing how plants can adapt.
And now we head into summer - we wonder what this year will bring us as we start to venture out more now that we have been vaccinated.
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