Thursday, November 28, 2019

Phoenix and Flagstaff, November, 2019

While I was in Spain, Patty and Paulie were in Flagstaff and had a hailstorm one day.

They also saw rainbows.

And stunning sunrises from the dining room.

We found appropriate welcome mats.

Patty received gifts of orchids.

And she got new glasses in Flagstaff.

When I got back from Spain, I got a replacement phone, slowly acclimated to the time zone change and after my Tuesday Docent Day at the DBG, took the Groome Shuttle to Flagstaff.  On the 15th, we went to see Helen Mirren in "The Good Liar."  We look forward to seeing Tom Hanks in the new Mr. Rogers movie.

We get to see the mountains from our home in Flagstaff, especially Mount Elden.

The ceilings are high enough in the kitchen that when I stand on the kitchen counter, I just barely hit my head.  After hanging pictures about the cabinets, I made sure the tops of the cabinets were clean.

Then it was back to Phoenix on the 18th, dealing with HOA issues like a broken sprinkler and the HOA meeting on the 19th.

On the 20th, we went to the second Nat Geo Live presentation at Mesa Arts Center to listen to Joel Sartore and his Photo Ark.  He has spent 25 years as a photographer for National Geographic and the Photo Ark is a project to photograph all animal species:

The lobby of the Mesa Arts Center has this colorful dragon greeting visitors.

Patty and I went to a DBG concert on the 22nd and had a delightful evening listening to Big Nick and the Gila Monsters.  Here is a short video.

The joy of condo living is tempered by being on the board of directors and dealing with inconsiderate residents.

Thanksgiving dinner was at Lauren and Blaise's house with the McNamara clan.  Patty said to get wine that was at least 92 points, so my trek to Costco yielded a couple of good wines.

On the 26th, I brought our car in for service then spent my usual shift at the DBG.  As often happens, when I want to learn the name of a specific plant, I take a photo of the identifying tag - then, if I forget, I can simply search on my phone to find it.

On the 27th, we finally had Ecodry LLC come and tear our the wet sheetrock in our storage room that had been damaged by the leak I found when returning from Spain.  They were very thorough, leaving large fans for 48 hours to suck any and all moisture out and make sure there would be no mold - I only discovered this mold after removing everything from the storage room.  Sometime in December, the room will be rebuilt.

Here are some of the photos I took on the 9th when submitting the insurance claim.

As the month of November ends, I am thankful for family, friends and continued good health.

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