Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ofrendas from Dia de las Muertos and Fish out of Water (Gyotaku)

The Desert Botanical Garden will be celebrating Dia de las Muertas this week with a special dinner on Friday evening and events on Saturday and Sunday Nov. 1 and 2.  One of the traditions is to create Ofrendas - offerings to remember those who have died.  These have been open since Oct. 24 in Webster House.

Outside, there was one Ofrenda that was still being constructed.

A second exhibit at the DBG is Fish out of Water.   Dr. Joe McAuliffe, DBG Driector of Research, Conservation and Collections, does gyotaku - this is the Japanese art form where you brush ink on the skin of a fish and then use that to create prints.  Here are some of his works on display.

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